Couples & Families

bringing people together

Strengthening Bonds of Love & Trust

All relationships face ups and downs. Everyday life and unique stressors can strain even the closest ties over time. We get it – and we’re here to help guide your relationships back to mutual respect, trust, and honesty.


As trained and experienced family therapists, we help couples and relatives work through challenges in caring ways. Whether healing recent wounds or long-held hurts, we offer a judgment-free space to share honestly and be heard. The goal is for you to grow stronger together. 

You may want help with:

Relationship & Family Issues

Boundary Development


Marriage & family therapy will:

Pinpoint issues and understand root causes

Process regrets, sadness and loss

Rebuild broken trust through vulnerability

Foster intimacy through affection and joy

Facilitate forgiveness and moving forward

Practice positive communication skills

Mastering relationships

Through family therapy services you’ll create customized goals based on your hopes. And gain proven techniques to nurture healthy relationships long-term. 


Don’t stay stuck in old ruts. Discover how compassion and effort can reconnect bonds stronger than before. 

Let us walk with you through issues such as:
  • Parent-child counseling
  • Parenting support
  • Family conflict resolution
  • Divorce counseling
relationship and marital therapy
We value Your Relationships
If you're ready to mend and reconnect with loved ones, we're ready to work with you as couple therapists. We offer local counseling services in Gillette, Wyoming or Telehealth sessions across Wyoming and Colorado.
motivational quotes
What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.

– Ralph Waldo Emerson

Step Stone Counseling provides outpatient counseling services to adults, couples, and families.

In addition to individual services, IOP and OP group services are available for anyone who needs that level of care.